295mm Flexible Shaft – BLACK a 1.68€!

offertehitech-295mm Flexible Shaft Screwdriver Bit - BLACK

295mm Flexible Shaft – BLACK a 1.68€!

295mm Flexible Shaft – BLACK a 1.68€! 1000 1000

295mm Flexible Shaft Screwdriver Bit – BLACK in offerta a soli 1.68€ con il nostro codice sconto!!!

Il codice sconto ci è stato gentilmente offerto dai nostri partner di Gearbest, basterà inserirlo in fase di checkout per poter acquistare il prodotto a soli 1.68€!



Informazioni Principali

295mm Flexible Shaft Screwdriver Bit for Electronics

It’s a flexible extension bar which can be curved with 360 degrees. The shell is separated from the internal soft bar when working. The outer surface is not to follow the internal bar rotating together. Suitable for small spanner, speed adjustable DC hand electric drill and small torsion wind. A best tool for narrow space working.

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