32P07 – RTK 3.5 inch Hard Disk Drive Protective Case Offerte a soli 1.82€!

offertehitech-gearbest-32P07 - RTK 3.5 inch Hard Disk Drive Protective Case

32P07 – RTK 3.5 inch Hard Disk Drive Protective Case Offerte a soli 1.82€!

32P07 – RTK 3.5 inch Hard Disk Drive Protective Case Offerte a soli 1.82€! 1000 1000

Cooosaa‽‽‽‽‽‽ 13% di sconto su 32P07 – RTK 3.5 inch Hard Disk Drive Protective Case!

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Informazioni Principali

Transparent design
Apply to 3.5 inch HDD
Anti-static, shockproof, moisture-proof, dust-proof, anti-wear, anti-skid and so on
The top-mounted cushioning cushion EVA cotton, careful care of the hard disk

Link all’acquisto

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