Original Vaporesso Tarot Mini 80W TC Box Mod Kit with 100 – 315C / 200 – 600F / 2ml / 0.4 ohm / 0.5 ohm Clearomizer for E Cigarette Offerte a soli 48.36€!

offertehitech-gearbest-Original Vaporesso Tarot Mini 80W TC Box Mod Kit with 100 - 315C / 200 - 600F / 2ml / 0.4 ohm / 0.5 ohm Clearomizer for E Cigarette

Original Vaporesso Tarot Mini 80W TC Box Mod Kit with 100 – 315C / 200 – 600F / 2ml / 0.4 ohm / 0.5 ohm Clearomizer for E Cigarette Offerte a soli 48.36€!

Original Vaporesso Tarot Mini 80W TC Box Mod Kit with 100 – 315C / 200 – 600F / 2ml / 0.4 ohm / 0.5 ohm Clearomizer for E Cigarette Offerte a soli 48.36€! 1000 1000

Carpe diem! Original Vaporesso Tarot Mini 80W TC Box Mod Kit with 100 – 315C / 200 – 600F / 2ml / 0.4 ohm / 0.5 ohm Clearomizer for E Cigarette con uno sconto del 15%!
L’involucro del pacco è grosso 9.30 x 10.10 x 4.80 cm / 3.66 x 3.98 x 1.89 inches, pesa 0.2870 kg, ed al suo interno il dispositivo ha dimensioni 13.80 x 3.80 x 2.30 cm / 5.43 x 1.5 x 0.91 inches, per un peso di 0.2870 kg.
Lo sconto è già applicato al prodotto, clicca per acquistarlo! »


Descrizione e specifiche

The Tarot Mini Kit maintains the extremely beautiful design of Tarot family. It is capable of 80W output with one 18650 battery. Equipped with the OMNI board, you could easily switch between Smart VW, CCW, VT, CCT, TCR as well as BYPASS to different vaping experience at your preference. Its mini design makes it easy to carry around. With a revolutionary easy coil replacement system, you could change the coil outside of the chamber even on a full tank. It adopts the ECO Universal Coil so that you only need to replace the E…

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